Driving the green transition through procurement


French version

The supply chain, which can account for up to 90% of companies’ environmental impacts, is a source of acceleration of their green transition and a new area to explore while under increasing regulatory pressure. Taking environmental performance into account alongside quality, costs and deadlines for a transformation of procurement in terms of organisation, processes and tools as well as relationship with suppliers.

This publication, which results from the work carried over the last few years by nearly forty large companies within the EpE Procurement Committee, provides a sample of current practices in responsible procurement and aims to encourage the development and implementation of future best practices through different work streams.


2030 Milestone for the Ecological Transition

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French version

For the first time, large French companies are sharing some common convictions on ecological transition and publicly proposing a collective course and action priorities.

« ETE 2030 – Étape 2030 de la Transition Écologique » (“2030 Milestone for the Ecological Transition”) by Entreprises pour l’Environnement, offers a global view of the actions required to put France on a credible ecological transition trajectory by 2030, in line with French and European commitments on climate and biodiversity, and with the “Ecological Planning” policy led by the French government.

Some of these companies have already made concrete commitments in line with these priorities. These commitments gather them and their stakeholders in various initiatives, which have been presented on 12 December 2023.

Video presentation

Event replay - 12 December 2023


Front-cover-BCG-EPE-Building a sustainable recovery

Building a sustainable recovery

Ecological transition and resilience:
keys to the post-covid-19 economic recovery

This study is the product of nearly 40 interviews with leaders of major French companies (CEOs, heads of the sustainable development, strategic management, corporate affairs, and operations departments, etc.).

It was carried out by BCG’s Paris office in partnership with the Association Française des Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE). Designed right at the start of lockdown, and thus at the start of the partial economic shut-down, the study aims to analyse the impact of the crisis on corporate operations from an environmental perspective, so as to identify the practices put in place and anticipate the effects of economic recovery plans.

Before the crisis, corporate strategies were undergoing transformation to address environmental challenges. To the need for this transformation is now added a new pressing need to build resilience in the face of Covid-19 and similar events that will follow in its wake.

How do we keep up the environmental momentum and take the long view in a tense and uncertain short-term economic context? How do we stay the course on ecological transition while adding the need for resilience? These are the questions BCG has sought to explore with EpE and major French companies.